"A better tomorrow beckons us by our constant effort to change and improve" A school in North India was a long cherished dream of Seva Missionary Sisters of Mary. St. Mary's school Aghwanpur is the fruit of the hard work of the former Superior General Rev. Sr. Jessy P.D and team, pursuing this dream. It was indeed a bold step and milestone in the history of the congregation, to take up a mission station far away from the central house in Chennai. I salute the commitment and the silent sacrifice of the pioneers contributed who contributed to the realization of this dream from the inception of the school. I also sincerely appreciate the hard work and the dedication of the principals, sister, teachers, students and the parent community in the past years who guided the school to the present heights.
As little Jesus learnt from the school of Mother Mary and grew up in wisdom and knowledge, let all the Marians learn from this temple of learning and bring laurels to the nation.
Dear little ones, trust in God, trust in yourselves and work hard. Utilize each and every opportunities that knock at your door, because many hands are working together to grow and glow you.
May the Almighty be your light and the source of inspiration and a constant companion in your journey of life.
Sr. Elsy K.O (Manager)